Professional commercial photography services for diverse needs, in-studio or on location, I'm dedicated to help enhance your visual presence effectively
Boost team dynamics and productivity with workshops in Time Management, Group Dynamics and more, infused with fun photography skill enhancement and humor. English language or Hebrew for added enjoyment and or value.
My unique workshops blend fun and challenge, enhancing photography skills through tips and assignments in group sessions. Tailored discussions create a memorable experience, enjoying improved photography, humor, and fun.
With 15+ years of experience, my engaging course for kids blends fun and discoveries in photography. Improve skills with Allon's unique, humorous approach in flexible durations, from single-day to semester-long courses.
Explore personalized photography for birthdays or any occasion: one-on-one, couples, or small groups. Improve camera phone control, learn editing to enhance your photographs, all in a fun and humorous atmosphere, in the studio or on location.
Sharing thoughts and insights I went through my journey creating the "3G" Project


I am a photographer and instructor with over 20 years of experience providing commercial photography services and workshops for various sectors and groups. While my studio is based in Karkur, Israel, I primarily shoot and work on-location.
My diverse life experiences, which include years of photographing everything, global travel, study, musical pursuits, engagement in art projects, relocation across towns, family-raising, and kayaking, have contributed to the development of a keen eye, an individual perspective, and a love for capturing the decisive moment.
I am inspired by the simplicity of physics—mechanism and light—and I am deeply fascinated by the technological aspect of photography. After graduating from Hadassah Tech in Jerusalem and working at Kodak as an Image specialist, I found a correlation and a way to blend my love for technology with my artistic eye by teaching photography in a program for gifted children. In these experiential sessions, I guided the kids through photography fundamentals, emphasizing a safe approach from the technical side, uncovering the emotional world of the participant, and providing an opportunity for self-expression and shine.
I am constantly enriching the content of my workshops, tailoring them for different demographics and needs, finding a way to help approach the technical sides in photography together with inner insights.
Feel free to contact me about any question you might have, and how I can be of service. I am committed to delivering on the highest technical standards, and always with a smile :)